Gabriela Marlí
Somatic Therapist, Childhood Trauma and Ancestral Healing Guide
Rooted in the belief that the body holds wisdom and stores traumas, emotions, and experiences, Gabriela’s methods acknowledges the interconnectedness of body, mind, and spirit.
Where it all began
In my early twenties, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder, found myself in an unhealthy relationship and toxic job, all that left me disconnected from myself. I was lost, I couldn't recognize myself in the mirror anymore and was desperate for some kind of glimmer of hope. In a strew of synchronistic events, I had gotten into contact with a medium and had an intense gut feeling that I had to go. Leaving that session was transformative, revealing the reality of my situation and igniting the beginning of my spiritual journey.
Over the next four years I was navigating through a profound dark night of the soul, pursuing various healing modalities with different practitioners who became instrumental in my journey of self-alchemy and realization. While I was coming out of the death and rebirth process, I entered my Saturn return. Everything I thought I had known and learned, was challenged all over again until I knew nothing at all - it humbled me totally. At that point, I thought my relationship with God was strong and solid. Afterwards, the connection deepened to a point of complete surrender, and I felt like the caterpillar in its chrysalis. Each day felt like a spiritual, emotional and mental surrender, like I was floating in the ethereal embrace of the unknown. What a trip it’s been, coming home to myself :)
All of that to say, this phase is my most cherished part of the journey. Stripped of my prior subconscious programming, stories and beliefs, I’ve gained countless newfound clarities. I came to realize that every wound, lesson and healing I had experienced had been intricately and divinely orchestrated. Isn’t it all !
As I’ve healed, it has allowed me to gain a much deeper inner-standing and faith, of God and all that is. This is where I began to build myself anew into who I am today and continue to grow into. Over the last several years, what started out as my own healing journey has emerged into a burning passion to help the collective. I have delved into various healing and therapeutic modalities, not only to transform myself but also to find the most effective methods for guiding others on their paths. Like Ram said, ‘We are all just walking each other home.’
Through my own transformative journey over the past eight years, I have discovered that my personal path was the prelude to my mission. My purpose is to guide others to heal their wounds, empowering them to embody their highest potential and best selves.
Education and Credentials
Neo Emotional Release Facilitator
Kabbalah Pathworking Certification
Inherited Family Trauma Facilitator
Akashic Healing Training Course
film: @danicowanphotography | portraits: @emilyroebuckphotography